Happy 2nd Birthday!
This week Save My Knickers is celebrating it's 2nd birthday 🥳 and here's a little reflection on just some of the amazing things that have happened this last year:
❤️ Winning the Women's Business Club Dragoness' Den
❤️ Leaving the NHS to take on knicker saving full time
❤️ Being listed in TechRound's Top 64 Women in StartUps and Tech
❤️ Winning the Women Who Do New Business Award
❤️ Being a Finalist in the Inspirational Womxn of Instrustry at the Hustle Awards
❤️ Teaming up with the brands HotTeaMama, TOTM and Grace and Green for some amazing giveaways
❤️ Being listed in the Small Biz 100
❤️ Winning an award for Best Period Product
❤️ Being a Women of the Year 2022
Running a business, especially by yourself is hard. Everyday is a complete emotional rollercoaster and it often feels like there are more downs than there are ups. But when I reflect back on some of these incredible achievements and think about the lives I've changes and the knickers that have been saved it makes it all so worthwhile.
I couldn't have done any of the above with you, so thank YOU!