Womanifest 2022
Last weekend we had our first in person event at Womanifest and we had the BEST time!
It was amazing to hear so many different stories about periods. We heard from older generations of memories about how taboo periods were, remembering parents boil washing underwear in a huge pot, to in Jamaica, memories of not being allowed in the kitchen when on their period because it was believed to be unclean.
It was really empowering to hear younger generations talk without embarrassment and just being matter of fact about their periods. And brilliant to chat to supportive Dad’s who always do the tampon run and make sure they have a backup supply of pads and spare undies in the car just in case.
We had so many lovely comments like “where have you been all my life!”, “OMG I love this idea”, “I have been looking for a product just like this.” and “I wish you were around 10 years ago when I still had periods!”.
The more we spoke to people the more passionate they became about sharing the Save My Knickers love. We had people buying tubes for friends expecting a baby to help with post-partum bleeding and mums of teenage girls due to start their periods to use Save My Knickers as a conversation starter and everything in between.
Most of the wonderful people we spoke to at the weekend were really on board with being open about periods and what we do at Save My Knickers. But there were still the stories about school aged children not being allowed to go to the toilet during lessons if needed when on their periods and people struggling to get medical support for issues around their periods. And one person who was so offended by what we were talking about and sharing she took one of our Save My Knickers stickers down!
I loved hearing everyone’s period stories and people really loved to share theirs. So now it’s time for you to share yours. You can message me here; let’s keep talking about it, let’s normalise periods!